Come and get involved with our very popular Forest Friends group for parents and young children.
Children thrive in nature and you get to spend time outside with your little ones, learning about the environment, playing with water, mud and creative activities like painting and clay. We learn about the environment and changing seasons, but most importantly having fun!
We have stories around the campfire and a snack during the session which is always a favourite with the adults and children.

The group, run by our fantastic Forest School Leader's, incorporates all areas of forest school & outdoor learning.

Details of the Club:
When: Wednesday 21st February weekly until Wednesday 20th March 2024
Time: 09.30-11.00
Where: St Catherine's Catholic Primary Pymore Road Bridport Dorset DT6 3TR


£7 per session

Silblings discount (£4.00 ticket) use FFSIBLINGS

NEW Childminder 50% Discount for up to 3 children (minimum 2 children) use CHILDMINDER50 

Book all 6 and receive one week free use FORESTFRIENDS

3 children max per adult due to the nature of the activities.

Additional adults are Zero cost, max 2 adults per child can attend.

Please apply all codes at the basket before proceeding to the checkout. 

Contact on the Day: 07464055257 to report absence / late arrival*

Please dress yourselves and children in suitable outdoor clothes, for the children thermals, rain suits and wellies in the Autumn. Winter and early Spring, then a change of clothes in warmer weather due to the messy play.

We have limited access to toilet faciilites please bring a portable potty for ease, they will be a tarped area to do nappy changing and potty training.

*The forest school area is within a school we have an arrival time between 9.30 to 9.40am then you will be taken to the forest school area, please do not ring the school intercom when you arrive, if you are late please phone the number above to speak to the forest school leader.

Please email Rachel: if you have any questions.

Refund policy: From the time of booking up to to 24 hours before you will receive a gift card refund to use at another session, valid for 12 months, Less than 24 hours notice NO REFUNDS.


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