Archive for 2019
Forest School Parties
Posted by Ellen Surtees on November 26th 2019
We are underway with our Birthday party bookings and what fun they are! This weekend, we helped Harriet to celebrate on her Grandparents' farm! it's lovely to be able to use open space this way and the children lapped up the Forest School crafty activities that we provided! Infact, one child even told us that it was 'waaaaaay better than Laser Tag!'- what praise indeed! If you'd like to book us for a birthday party, do get in touch for a quote and site risk assessment. We'll be happy to help!
Autumn Staff Meeting
Posted by Ellen Surtees on November 18th 2019
Meeting up this Saturday was a priceless experience for all of us. Considering we are all far flung and covering schools in Devon and Dorset; we had lots to catch up on together! Emma was the host this time and we loved sharing our practise together, with a staff meeting around the campfire! Having the chance to share skills, discuss practise and give each other feedback and advice is a rewarding opportunity. We plan to meet half termly and share a camp lunch together! The sky's the limit for this dream team!
Holiday Camp in Wool
Posted by Ellen Surtees on November 12th 2019
Forest fun was had by all over half term at Wool Primary School. From three to nine years, everyone got stuck in to all activities, which included den building, using knots learnt through out the day. We made dice using Hazel poles with amazing knife skills, found Oak discs to make pendants with hand drills. Probably the most challenging and rewarding was Fire making! We can't wait for the next Forest School Holiday Club...
Holiday Camp in Up Lyme
Posted by Ellen Surtees on November 12th 2019
We had such fantastic Forest School Camp at Up Lyme for Halloween. We started with some bug hunting, Calico printing and clay model making with Miss Robertshaw, while Mr Holt helped us to carve pumpkins. After snack, we made scary creatures out of woodland foraging, explored the area all around us and even made slime! Just before lunch, we all made dens. We had to make them waterproof, which was lucky because the rain started to come down just as we were finishing! Despite this, some of us stayed under our dens and enjoyed our lunch in the dry (ish!) After lunch, we carried on with our morning sessions but now with lots more bugs to find. Some of us chopped wood for the fire and practised our fire lighting skills. Mr Holt managed to make a fire in the rain so that we could toast marshmallows (yummy!) and before we knew it, it was time to go home. We had such a great time!
Posted by Ellen Surtees on October 22nd 2019
Primary Forest School and Sports Education are now looking to recruit additional Forest School Leaders for part time and full time positions in Dorset, Devon and Somerset. Please contact our Director; Ellen Blackwood for further details.
Tent Peg Whittling at Weymouth North Gold Scouts
Posted by Ellen Surtees on October 19th 2019
This week, leader Emily led the Scouts in a whittling session. She began by demonstrating the safe handling and use of the tools for the evening. Some Scouts had brought their own pocket knives, so they had an assortment that they had to be confident how to use. The Scouts began by taking long 'scrapes' to take the bark and further layers off to create a point at one end. Emily later demonstrated how to carve a notch into the other end of the peg, to create a grip for guy ropes. The Scouts were very well engaged and keen to continue this activity. Some even completed their pegs by carefully carving their initial letter! With a final trial, to check that their pegs would penetrate the soil, the Scouts rounded up with some expert hall cleaning; leaving no trace of their toils! it was a total pleasure to work with the Scouts and Primary Forest School look forward to further collaborations in the future!
Posted by Ellen Surtees on September 10th 2019
We loved the chance to get together as a team and share our practise with each other! We had sessions in pewtering, activity planning, bumble bees crafts and mindfulness reflection with 'magic' potions! All of this was invaluable for our practise with our children. Opportunities like this; to share and reflect, will ensure that we are comfortable and confident in our own delivery too.
Summer fun in the woods!
Posted by Ellen Surtees on September 10th 2019
What a fun 6 weeks we've had in the woods; surrounded by the endless possibilities of fun and adventure! This summer, leader Emily took advantage of as many free activities as possible with her brood and friends! If you're ever in doubt about how to keep the troops entertained then the woods are for you!
Easter Holiday Forest School
Posted by Ellen Surtees on March 17th 2019
We are running more Forest School during the Easter Holidays. Find out here what days are available and some of the activities your children could get involved with!
February Half Term Forest School
Posted by Ellen Surtees on March 17th 2019
Our first holiday camp started during February Half Term ... Check out what we got up to over the three days!