All Saints Primary: A Reflection of our Forest School Year
Kit class have been developing their listening skills and social interactions. Taking turns and working with partners and teams to create dens, playing games and finding different shapes. They have also broadened their understanding of the world by looking at the Forest School site and discussing how it can change through the seasons. We have been led, by the class, in their free exploring session to play fun games, discover new creatures and make choices with our friends all outside in our wonderful Forest School site. Well Done Kit Class, you have achieved so much and had lots of fun too.
Yarty class have been busy exploring the site and playing team games. Developing their ideas in den building and practising their knot skills which in turn develops their fine motor skills. The games we play help with building relationships within the class, and can aid with independent thinking. We share our experiences and in our free exploring make independent choices to explore the wonderful Forest school site. It has been a pleasure to share our sessions and we have made so much progress. Yarty class make great choices and knows how to get the most of out a session.
Corry Class have busy super busy this year, working on communication skills both verbal and non-verbal, Learning our fire safety rules, showing fantastic knot skills and den building. Playing fun games to build closer relationships in the class and discussing interesting Topics. The class always show that they are great Safety officers when using tools, not only wearing gloves but also keeping each other safe by observing their friends. Corry class have great knowledge about the world around them and are keen to share a fact or two. Thank you Corry class for your hard work and fun sessions.
This year Axe class finally got to play a proper game of Capture the Flag Hooray! They made Bows and Arrows from willow and used the tools very safely, we toasted Marshmallows, always a favourite and we were able to have some really lovely moments of reflection in our sessions. Axe class always attend the session with such energy and always havs great fun. Good luck to both year groups for next year.
A Note from Miss O,
We need to say thank you to the Volunteers, T.A’s and Staff who support Forest School each week.
It is always helpful to have ‘an extra pair of hands or eyes’ in our sessions.
Each forest school session is a time to share our learning, I always learn as much from the children as they hopefully learn from Me.
Good luck next term in your new classes.
Miss Osborne

Posted on July 5th 2024