St James Church School Taunton Summer Term Forest School

Summer Term 1

With one overflowing bug hotel our site has been ever changing with the seasons. We have been seeing new bugs at our forest school including grubs and snails. The children have been very eager to capture and show all. 

We have been cutting back the bushes to allow for more hiding places for the children to explore in. The wood has been used to create more natural looking fences surrounding forest school. 

Finally, we have had our chefs come up with some different mud recipes for the children to try out at our mud kitchen. Hopefully we can set up more seating to open a mud restaurant. 

With the weather starting to change for the better we just want to remind parents about the appropriate clothing for forest school. Especially on our sunny days we advise wearing sunscreen.

Summer Term 2

Life-skills – timber hitch 

We will start with some parachute games with the tarps. Then I will teach the children a simple knot that they can use to build our dens with. As an extra challenge I will pour water over their shelters to make sure they are waterproof. 

In our intervention groups we will be continuing from our current project dice making.

Explore explore- boundaries (forest school rules).

While the basis of the lesson will be for the children to understand where our boundaries are in forest school. The lesson will also be pack full of games. This gives the children a low-risk activity while giving me time to get to know the children.

Summer Term 2 After School Club

With lots of activities on offer its hard to choose a few, for the last term of the year we will be making decorations for our prayer tree, making survival bracelets, using tools creating some sculptures popcorn on the fire, and a chance to choose some activities the children would like to do.

There is still chance to book for the last few weeks, please book here - after-school-clubs 

Posted by Sophie Boyes on June 21st 2024

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