Uplowman Primary
We have had a fantastic half term of Forest School. We have explored colour and shade as we look around our environment and created some beautiful art.
We also spent a week learning how to move around with big sticks. A local gardener donated lots of 2 metre branches for us to use as loose parts and it has been amazing to see how the children have used them on site. We firstly had to navigate getting them from the front of school to the site before having time to build with them.
The following week we used the sticks to build mazes that we then had to take a ‘blindfolded’ friend around the course. This was a great way to develop our communication skills and also a challenge to trust others as they directed us safely through the course.
As a class we took part in the RSPB bird count and learnt how to identify birds as well as made natural feeders using apples and sunflower seeds to encourage the birds to use our site. It was amazing to see how many birds we have in the area.
And lastly, we have enjoyed pancakes around the fire. the children have learnt how to be safe around a fire and had a go at lighting a fairy fire (a cotton ball ball) with a flint & steal.
We are always looking at ways to develop our site so if anyone has any old kitchen tools: utensils, pots & pans for our mud kitchen that would be amazing!
Also bricks, plants & seeds are all very useful resources.
Dont forget to book our after school club BOOK HERE

Posted by Claire Nelson on May 10th 2024