William Barnes Primary Summer 1 news!
The sun has finally begun to show their face and what better way to enjoy it than Forest School! This half term I have been working with the Reception and Year 1 classes for mini blocks of 3 sessions.
Year 1 had the first 3 sessions where we focused firstly on the topics of shapes. which we found many different shapes in nature, we then had a go at creating our own shapes using natural material which others in the class then had to try and identify. We even had a go at making shapes with our bodies, in which I was very impressed with the group’s imagination.
The reception children’s first session was based on the topic of minibeasts. It was great seeing their excitement for finding the insects in the forest school area. We even had one group brave enough to catch a spider! We then discussed their features such as 6 legs, wings and antenna. To finish, we had great fun creating mini houses for our creatures to live in.
Both groups took part in a den building activity after we had gotten lost in the jungle. We had a big adventure swinging over gorges, climbing over mountains, squelching though swamps and crawling through dark caves but unfortunately forgot to bring a map. The children had to think of what would keep them safe for the evening. Shelter, Fire, Food and Water. They then had to build a den which incorporated all these ideas. Each group made different dens and had incredible ideas, it was brilliant to see their creativity.
To finish, both groups took part in a fire session. These involved playing games to learn about fire safety, learning what is needed to make a fire and what we need to think about before lighting a fire. Each child had a go at making sparks with a ‘flint and steel’ and I was very impressed by their perseverance as it is a tricky thing to do.
Both groups were fantastic, and it was a pleasure to teach them!

Lunch Club
Last term the Eco Warriors set 3 goals.
Saving water
· Promoting Wildlife
· Planting more plants and flowers.
During the last and this half term they have worked hard to make posters for their classes regarding turning off taps and we have put up a water bin in the forest school area. We have completed work on the wildflower meadow which is starting to spout and have just completed giving the bug hotel a makeover! Great Work!!
After School Club
After school club students have been taking part in forest school activities this half term. We have had great fun playing plenty of games, searching for minibeasts, building dens and will hopefully finish the half term with a fire!
To book onto our After School Club please follow this link BOOK NOW 😊
Posted on May 23rd 2024