St George Primary Portland
During Spring 1 Forest School sessions have involved children learning First Aid, children have been brilliant in learning how to deal with a range of first aid situations with a calm attitude. All children have impressed me with their attitude and response.
During Spring 2 children we will be creating some recycled plastic art to support our Eco Schools work. Year 1 and 4 will be doing this as part of their forest school sessions and Key Stage 2 will be able to take part during lunch club on Wednesdays. We are going to create ocean creatures to highlight the problem of plastics in our oceans. we will be using plastic bottle tops, white/clear/ blue plastic such as bottles, bubble wrap, plastic bags and old plastic brushes.
We will be making a seahorse, jellyfish, and turtles, we cant wait to show you our creations!
Summer 1 after school clubs KS2 Tuesdays and KS1 Wednesday are available to book, please BOOK HERE

Posted by Jo Childs on March 15th 2024